Last Updated: Apr 6
Articles from The O&P EDGE
- Got FAQs: Documentation requirements when billing for therapeutic shoes and inserts, and correct codes to use when billing for a transtibial Infinite Socket
- Got FAQs: 2017 Medicare deductible, replacement codes for knee orthoses K-0901 and K-0902, and correct coding to use for the Ottobock C-Leg
- Standardizing Clinical Notes for Professional Success
- Got FAQs: Durable medical equipment (DME) fee schedules for workers’ compensation and no-fault claims, and billing claims for which the referring physician is not certified through the Provider Enrollment and Chain/Ownership System (PECOS)
- Frequently Discussed Medicare Tips and Reminders
- Got FAQs: Replacing knee orthoses and using place of service codes
- Changes Proposed to Medicare Appeals Process
- O&P Professionals Deserve Fair Reimbursement
- Billing and Collections Q&A
- Optimal Billing Strategies
- Medicare Should Follow the VA’s Lead
- Got FAQs: Reopening claims and addition codes that can be billed with knee orthoses
- Pitfalls of Waiving Patient Balances
- Got FAQs: Billing for a custom-fabricated item that was ordered but not furnished and ICD-10 and billing codes to be used for a CROW claim reimbursement
- Final Rule Establishes Prior Authorization for Orthotics and Prosthetics
- Site Seeing in O&P
- Got FAQs: Coding verification and the reasonable useful lifetime of knee orthoses
- Prosthetic Limb LCD: How a Genuine Threat Can Motivate an Entire Field
- LCD Testimony and Rally Reactions
- ICD-10 Is Here, Ready or Not
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