Last Updated: Sep 5
News from The O&P EDGE
- CMS to Host another Forum to Discuss the Lower-Limb Prosthesis Electronic Clinical Template CMS will host an Open Door Forum conference call on September 11 to discuss the suggested Lower Limb Prosthesis Electronic Clinical Template.
- OIG Reviews CMS’ Oversight of RACs
- DME MACs Diagnoses Update: Knee Orthoses LCD
- OIG Report: Jurisdiction A Lower-Limb Prosthetic Claims Did Not Always Meet LCD Requirements
- CMS Furnishes Final List of OTS Orthotic HCPCS Codes
- MACs Form CERT Educational Task Force
- Jurisdiction B to Conduct TLSO, LSO Prepayment Probe
- DME MACs Advise on Appropriate Coding, Billing for Lower-Limb Prosthetic Covers
- OIG Report: Jurisdiction C Paid Unallowable Lower-Limb Prosthetic Claims
- CMS to Host Forum to Discuss the Lower Limb Prosthesis Electronic Clinical Template
- Jurisdiction A Issues an AFO/KAFO Billing Reminder
- DME CERT Task Force to Host Educational Webinar
- CMS Launches MAC Satisfaction Indicator Tool
- AOPA Submits Statement about RACs to Senate Finance Committee
- AOPA Testifies at Second SBA Regulatory Fairness Hearing
- Össur Signs Exclusive Agreement with Auditing, Appeals Support Company
- Jurisdiction A Releases Prepayment Review Results for Lower-Limb Prostheses
- CMS to Host Second Forum to Discuss the Lower-Limb Prosthesis Electronic Clinical Template
- Jurisdiction B Releases Prepayment Review Results of O&P High Error Audits
- AOPA Responds to CMS’ Proposed Template for Lower-Limb Prosthesis Documentation