Last Updated: Apr 1
Articles from The O&P EDGE
- Squid Beaks for a Better Prosthetic Fit?
- EMG ‘Hides in Plain Sight’ in Spinal Stenosis Diagnosis
- 'Living' Plastic: Are Self-Healing Plastics a Possibility for O&P?
- DARPA Revolutionizes Prosthetics: How and Why?
- Johns Hopkins Unveils Proto 2
- PowerFoot: The Next Step in Ankle-Foot Prostheses
- iPed: One Step Closer to Human Function
- ‘Smart Brace’ Brightens Scoliosis Treatment Outlook
- Form and Function: New Hand Looks, Acts Like the Real Thing
- 'Robotic Tendon’ Puts Spring Back in Steps
- Socket Can Be Fabricated, Modified, Fitted—in One Hour
- Teen’s Invention to Help Amputees in Ghana
- New Exercise Chair Provides Pleasant Way to Increase ROM
- You Lost My Alignment!
- Osseointegration: In the Wave of the Future?
- Military Conflicts Drive Technological Innovation
- Pre-Preg Carbon Dynamic Orthosis
- Tomorrow's Technology: New Discoveries, New Directions for O&P
- Tomorrow's Technology: Federal Funds Fuel Futuristic Technology
- Orthotics: New Ideas
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Resource Links
- Defense Sciences Office - Revolutionizing Prosthetics
- Futuristic 'liquid wire' invention mimics spider silk with remarkable properties that make it perfect for biorobotics -
- QingDao Unique unveils first-ever prosthetic 3D printer -
- Telemedicine & Advanced Technology Research Center (TATRC)