Latin America/South America
Last Updated: Jan 28
News from The O&P EDGE
- Hanger Launches Limb Drive for Haiti Hanger Orthopedic Group, Bethesda, Maryland, has launched a nationwide prosthetic-limb drive in partnership with Physicians for Peace and Heather Mills. The effort was developed to help the multitude of those suffering from amputations and other physical disabilities in Haiti.
- Dr. Comfort Donates $1M in Shoes to Haiti Relief
- The Academy Donates $5K for Haiti
- Hanger to Donate $250K to Haiti Relief
- Kistenberg Provides Guidelines, Methods for Haiti Help
- Healing Hands for Haiti Mobilizes
- Nicaraguan Travels to U.S. for Legs
- U.S. ISPO to Host RBOB 2009
- Puckett Makes CNN Top Ten
- Euro International Hires Marketing Coordinator
- Puckett Nominated as CNN National Hero
- Izak Receives PPTA Fellowship Award
- In Memoriam: Alberto E. Castillo Moreno, O.P.
- Prosthetic Limb Drive in Virginia
- College Park Donates Trés Feet to Humanitarian Effort
- Sociedad Mexicana de Ortesistas y Protesistas, A. C. Curso de Prótesis de la Extremidad Superior
- Spanish Website Devoted to O&P
- ROMP Prepares for Outreach Clinic in Guatemala
- Kistenberg, Craig Take Part in 'Uniendo Fronteras' Forum
- Mission: Success in Belize
Al Ingersoll 8:51