Latin America/South America
Last Updated: May 15
News from The O&P EDGE
- Blatchford Prize Awarded to M.A.S. Socket Inventor
- Segundo foro Uniendo Fronteras - Guatemala, 30 de Abril-2 de Mayo, 2007
- LOF Provides Prosthetic Care in Mexico
- ROMP Plans Humanitarian Work Expansion in 2007
- Reaching Beyond Our Borders Conference Hotel Change
- Limbs of Freedom Aids Mexican Amputees
- ACA Offers First Step Spanish Edition
- Ensenada Clinic Aids Mexican Amputees
- Alvin L. Muilenburg Dies at 85
- Clinicians Qualify in M.A.S. Technology
- Multidisciplinary Seminar Set for Cancun
- Cerebral Palsy Symposium Slated in Mexico
- US ISPO Slates International Conference in Orlando
- New University Don Bosco Classes To Begin
- Ossur Unveils Online Continuing Education Program
- MAS Socket Design Now Available at Tillges O&P
- Becker, OWW To Hold Latin American Rehab Seminar
- To The O&P Spanish Federation (FEDOP)
- Latin American Congress Oct. 20-23
- A message from Alberto E. Castillo Moreno, O.P.
Al Ingersoll 8:51