O&P Practitioner
Last Updated: Dec 20
Articles from The O&P EDGE
- Safe Socks: What Your Mother Never Told You
- O&P Certification Pathway for Allied Professions
- Time Well Spent
- Standardizing Clinical Notes for Professional Success
- The Increasing Threat of Ransomware in Healthcare
- Risk Prediction Equations for Lower-limb Amputation: The Changing Face of Healthcare
- 2016 Election Synopsis and Impact on O&P
- Non-compete Clauses: Thoughts for the New O&P Professional
- An OP&P Approach to Fall Prevention
- SDTC: The Power of the Human Spirit
- Prosthetic Documentation: A Ventriloquist Act
- Got FAQs: Durable medical equipment (DME) fee schedules for workers’ compensation and no-fault claims, and billing claims for which the referring physician is not certified through the Provider Enrollment and Chain/Ownership System (PECOS)
- Keeping Feet Healthy and Fashion Forward: The Intersection of Function and Style in Your Pedorthic Retail Business
- How Much Is Enough? The Orthotic Management of Idiopathic Toe Walking
- The Journey to Kijabe
- An Overview of Mechanical Knee Pain
- Frequently Discussed Medicare Tips and Reminders
- Cybathlon 2016: Breaking Barriers With Assistive Technology
- AOPA 2016: Lighting the Future
- Going Cyborg: Advanced Prosthetic Technologies Take the Spotlight
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Resource Links
- American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine (AACPDM)
- American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists (the Academy)
- American Board for Certification in Orthotics, Prosthetics & Pedorthics (ABC)
- American Orthotic & Prosthetic Association (AOPA)
- Association of Children's Prosthetic-Orthotic Clinics (ACPOC)
- Board of Certification/Accreditation (BOC)