O&P Practitioner
Last Updated: Jul 24
Articles from The O&P EDGE
- All Hands, Hooks, and Fiberglass on Deck: The Many Materials of Upper-limb Prosthetics
- O&P Professionals Deserve Fair Reimbursement
- The Orthotic and Prosthetic Alliance: The Sum of its Parts
- Billing and Collections Q&A
- CAD/CAM: Time to Join the Digital Age
- Building a Better Arm: Design and Fabrication in Upper-limb Prosthetics
- Bruce Daugherty: “Can’t” Never Did Anything
- Optimal Billing Strategies
- Starting Your Residency and Finding Your Feet
- OTWorld: Showing the Way to Quality Care of Tomorrow
- Welcome Home: Helping People Transition to Life After Amputation
- Every Step They Take: The Use of Activity Monitors in Prosthetic Rehabilitation
- How Patients Benefit From O&P Policy Reforms
- Counterpoint: Step Activity Monitoring for the Purpose of Personal Information Compared to Health and Scientific Records
- Posterior Tibial Tendon Dysfunction
- Medicare Should Follow the VA’s Lead
- Got FAQs: Reopening claims and addition codes that can be billed with knee orthoses
- AOPA Policy Forum 2016: Advocacy in Action
- Across the State or Around the World: Telerehabilitation Technologies Cover the Distance
- Building Relationships
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Resource Links
- American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine (AACPDM)
- American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists (the Academy)
- American Board for Certification in Orthotics, Prosthetics & Pedorthics (ABC)
- American Orthotic & Prosthetic Association (AOPA)
- Association of Children's Prosthetic-Orthotic Clinics (ACPOC)
- Board of Certification/Accreditation (BOC)