O&P and taxes

Posted By: sharon yackley on May 21, 2010

Greetings to all in the land of orthotics and prosthetics and in between.

If you received this question twice I apologize, computer woes.

I would like responses regarding your state taxing the sales of orthotic and prosthetic products.

1. Are both orthotic and prosthetic items taxed?

2. Does your state differentiate between custom fit and custom made when taxing?

3. What is the amount of the tax in your state?

4. Any nuances or special quirks about your state and the taxing O&P products?

Thank you for your time to responding and I will forward all responses to those who request same.

Gary M Yackley CP. BOCO
New England Brace Company
Lewiston, Maine

The message above was posted to OANDP-L, the e-mail discussion list for orthotics and prosthetics.