Ertl Procedure

Posted By: Doug Jack on February 14, 2017

Thanks for the responses albeit few.

I had a response to check the Ertl website however only Dr. Ertl is listed as a qualified surgeon. Perhaps issues with someone who is maintaining the website...

I also discussed the Ertl procedure with a well respected colleague who suggested very few if any perform the actual procedure. Most do a "modified Ertl procedure". Apparently some aspects of the surgery are difficult so rather than do them a surgeon may choose to modify/simplify as needed? He did not have good outcomes with the surgeon who did a modified Ertl procedure. Had better results with the conventional amputation side. Patient was apparently bilateral.

Another questioned the procedure entirely siting problems with a varus tibial growth post surgically. (No details. Can I assume it was youngster who was still

Doug Jack CPO
Northern Care, Inc.

Doug Jack CPO
Northern Care, Inc.

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