Carbon Fiber AFO failure

Posted By: Gil Gulbrandson, CO on September 13, 2016

Good morning All,
I have a rather frustrating recurring issue with this product.  A patient was fit 15 months a go with an Allard Toe Off carbon fiber AFO. As is usually the case, the patient is very happy with the action of this orthosis and ambulates well with the use of it. We have done all the recommendations of the manufacturer in setting the alignment of this orthosis to the patient. However after 15 months it has failed, fracturing at mid strut. Warranty on this orthosis is one year.  My question is what have any of you found in billing Medicare for a new orthosis? I understand, and my staff understands, the process of thoroughly documenting the case. I also know that if we have the patient sign an ABN, probably Medicare will deny. Any thoughts on how this best can be resolved for this patient?Gil Gulbrandson, CO/LO

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