recent question re: ending patient relationship

Posted By: Tom Heckman on July 11, 2012

Hello again
First I apologize for using the term "firing" a patient. Bad choice of words. In fact, our practice has literally never initiated the end of a patient relationship and have taken on many many patients who have left other practices regardless of who initiated the change. I stand by our clinical treatment of all of our patients including the specific patient I was thinking of. Frankly from the responses and our general experience I believe it is better to continue to provide service to the best of our abilities. Although we keep excellent records, it would seem that without ironclad "evidence" of unrealistic expectations, rude and abusive behavior, misprepresentation of facts and conversations, etc. any action on our part could trigger unwanted consequences. In a general sense I understand why an individual patient should be given the benefit of the doubt in a disagreement with a medical provider, after all it is their health and well-being that is at
stake versus a provider's bottom line. Given the litigious nature of current society we will let this particular sleeping dog lie. Please don't feel a need to continue this discussion on my behalf

Tom Heckman CO, LO

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