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Pecos cops
Posted By: John E. Link CO, BOC Orthotist on June 8, 2010
In reply to all of the suggestions and comments to my rand yesterday Yes I did send it direct to CMS, Thanks for you kind words of support and the suggestion of a taser rather than a gun is really a good one as there are a few people I would "light up" just because. Upon further reflexion even with the taser I don't know how to enforce PECOS. CMS can have a second bite at the apple. If the edits they are making fail, then later (who knows how much later) they can reprocess and retract the payment. Lets think this through 1) the edits are created by the DMAC, Why doesn't CMS require them to do it right the first time or pay the money back! 2) Yesterday, I let the Doctor go with out shooting or tasering but now I have to run back to the same office and say the edit failed and then shoot or taser them? Won't this have an effect on my business? 3) Why not just taser everybody and let CMS sort it out later , they can tell them it was an EDIT ERROR. Coming Soon to a medical office near you.......The Pecos Police....... Lighting up your medical community. Perhaps we are going after the wrong people If the edits fail lets taser the people that created them. If this this is the best solution that CMS can come up with to reduce fraud then CMS is the real problem. It is UNAmerican to punish a child for the sins of the father or the sins of another intentionally. I wonder if this would hold up to the scrutiny of our judicial system. Enough of being silly Please contact your senator and congressman to discuss this item, this is just wrong and not speaking up makes you complicate! As for me, Puerto Rico has no senator and only a resident comissioner in the house, a non voting member of the congress, a toothless tiger. So I have to count on you to do this thing. It is easier to speak to any one else in Washington than to my resident commissioner. John Link CO |
The message above was posted to OANDP-L, the e-mail discussion list for orthotics and prosthetics. | |