Survivor's Guide

"A Survivor's Guide For The Recent Amputee" provides the new amputee with pertinent information regarding amputation, care of the residual limb, prosthetics, returning to daily activities and a variety of other topics. Not only does this 28 page booklet offer detailed, factual information about the amputee rehabilitation process, but also a discussion of the normal feelings involved within the grieving process after losing a limb. Most new amputees fear changes in their self-image, significant relationships, social interaction, and previous levels of activity. The Survivor's Guide discusses these important concerns and provides some helpful guidance in dealing with them.

"A Survivor's Guide For The Recent Amputee" is an excellent resource for amputee patients.

The order form for "A Survivor's Guide For The Recent Amputee" is available as an Adobe PDF file, which will allow you to view and print the form in the proper format. If you do not already have the Adobe Acrobat plugin, you can download it free of charge from the Adobe web site.

Click here to view the Housing Request Form (PDF format)

If you wish to support our efforts in continuing to educate new amputees and their families and would like to sponsor our next edition of "A Survivor's Guide for the Recent Amputee", please contact United Amputee Services Association at 407-359-5500.

Thank you to our current sponsors:

The Barr Foundation
Prosthetic & Orthotic Associates of Central Florida
Hanger P&O, Inc.
Brevard Prosthetics, Inc.
Ortho Pro Associates -Miami
P.O. Box 4277 dot.gif - 48 Bytes Winter Park, FL 32793-4277 dot.gif - 48 Bytes (407) 359-5500 dot.gif - 48 Bytes Fax: (407) 359-8855
Copyright 2002 - United Amputee Services Association, Inc.